Enhance your health and lifestyle with a fitness program tailored to your body, mind, and soul.

Achieving optimum fitness and health goes beyond improving physique, losing weight, or strengthening the muscles. It involves the right balance between your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

The best fitness program is the one designed specifically to suit your goals, abilities, and lifestyle. A customized workout and nutritional regimen target your needs while considering different aspects of your life. It encourages sustainable fitness habits you are sure to enjoy and maintain in the long run.

Qualified personal trainers can help devise a program based on the level of fitness you already have, whether in terms of endurance, speed, agility, flexibility, or balance. Professional trainers can help you safely and consistently meet your fitness goals.

At Fitness RX Studios, we have a team of certified personal trainers committed to helping you reach and even exceed your fitness goals. We are with you in every step of your journey to fitness, from customizing workout and diet plans, monitoring your progress, and providing professional guidance.

A Fitness Rx Studio client works her shoulder muscles using a dumbell.
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How We Started

Fitness RX Studios was established in 2012 as a private gym that provided in-house fitness assistance and facilities. The studio began with the journey of Jay Sherinsky, who battled his way to achieving fitness and improving his quality of life.

Over time, he has have provided in-person and virtual personal training to thousands of clients, helping them lose weight, become healthy, and succeed in multiple fitness competitions. With years of training, they have learned the best methods of reaching fitness and health goals without compromising mental and spiritual health.

In 2016, Jay developed a fitness program called Flexible Fitness System—a proprietary framework to ensure that trainees hit the mark they are going for through a structural fitness plan tailored to their lifestyle, goals, strengths, and weaknesses. This is the program he still provides at the studio nowadays.

What We Want to Accomplish

At Fitness RX Studios, we understand the challenges of reaching your fitness goals—finding the best time to work out, keeping motivated to continue your program, and maintaining healthy eating habits. We work closely with you to customize a workout and diet plan specific to your needs.

Aside from helping you control your weight, reduce your risks for serious health conditions, and manage negative health markers, we also craft personalized programs to help you achieve mental stability and emotional wellness. We will help you find the confidence you need to pursue your fitness goals and improve your quality of life.

More than everything else, our expert team is committed to reframing your mindset about diet and exercise. Through caring and compassionate assistance, we help you treat your fitness regimens as a reward and form of self-care so that you can achieve optimal enjoyment during the program.

Fitness Rx Studio client working out her back muscles.

Why Choose Us

We understand that while some people love the gym, some may don’t, and that’s cool with us. Once you book one of our fitness programs, we make sure to leverage the workout environment and resources that suit your needs and goals, whether in a public and private gym or even in your home.

When we say “On Your Turf,” we mean it. We will help you get where you’re going, regardless of where you want to do it.

Every plan created with our Flexible Fitness System is tailored to your body, mind, and soul. We make sure your custom fitness plan works best with the lifestyle you have. This is to ensure you are put in a position where you will succeed and not fight an uphill battle from day one.

When you partner with our fitness trainers, you work with professionals who are knowledgeable on how to work out properly and how far to push yourself. They focus on every detail of your physical, mental, and spiritual health while also looking at the bigger picture of helping you build long-term fitness habits with success in mind.

Visit the FRX Private Gym Today

Revolutionize your enthusiasm for health and fitness with the help of Fitness RX Studios.

When you start your fitness journey with us, we will stick with you every step of the way. We offer online personal training and private gym access for fitness clients in St. Petersburg, Florida. Contact our expert team for more details about our services or stop by our location today. We’d love to say hi to you!

A close-up of fitness Rx Studio client working on her biceps.